Learning Outcomes
The module includes the fundamental principles of Satellite and Space Geodesy, such as geodetic, astrometric and astronomic reference
frames and transformations, Earth Orientation, Satellite Orbit determination and introduces the most important space geodetic techniques:
GNSS, VLBI, SLR, DORIS, Satellite Altimetry, InSAR and Gravity Field Satellite Missions. The main geophysical processes that cause
changes of the antenna reference points are discussed as well, within a section on data analysis of space geodetic techniques. The
students of space engineering will gain an initial overview of how Earth observing and navigation satellites as well as ground-based
observatories can be used for current geoscientific and astrometric applications involving the analytical concepts of geodesy. The module
consists of two parts, a lecture and the associated computer-based exercise, where the most important topics are further illustrated through
practical examples.
Conceptual basics of coordinate systems
Time scales
Terrestrial reference frames
Celestial reference frames
Earth orientation
Orbit determination
Space geodetic techniques: GNSS, VLBI, SLR, DORIS, satellite altimetry, spherical harmonics and gravity field, satellite-based gravity field
determination, methods of space geodetic data analysis